Prominent Genitals

It doesn‘t matter if we like it or not – with our face, the shape of our body or simply by the way we dress and move, we are constantly sending signals to our surroundings. Freely adapted from Watzlawick’s famous words “you cannot not communicate“ the first moment and our physical appearance determines if and how we find access to a new person.

What we shouldn‘t forget: “Further down“, many things are happening as well. Every vulva has its own individual apperance, every penis has a different size and every transgender person looks unique below the wasteline. Since the dawn of civilization humans like to cream, wax, shave, pierce, tattoo, circumcise, mutilate or surgically correct and “improve“ their genitals according to one‘s own ideal image.

According to the International Society for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), in 2015 alone, more than 95,000 women worldwide had their vulva surgically altered. But almost no one gets to see these “artworks down there“. Even though genitals have always been present in art history – whether it is an ancient male statue in a heroic pose or a 40,000-year-old representation of a vulva made by a mammoth tooth – they are semantically occupied in completely different ways and are always used for different tasks and interpretations. Thus, the vulva is often associated with inferiority, dirtiness and a dangerous or attractive mystery. The penis, on the other hand, is in most cases associated with power, actively lived sexuality and great potency.

But what‘s the real secret behind our genitals? What do they say about us? In “ADAM / EVE & X“ we deliberately show the close up‘s of 16 different gender parts of female, male and transsexual models. Without any further information and details about the owners they will speak for themselves. Detailed close and without any sugar-coating.

I invite you to find your interpretation for the corresponding pictures. First possible explanations are on hand – but there is so much more to see. Let the models speak for themselves and discover the vulva and penis and all their different characteristics once again from a completely different side.

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